Assistant Professor

Dr. Girish Kumar
Community Health, Clinical Research and Education
  • As a Clinician, he has Expertise in treating various health conditions using holistic approach of Ayurveda like Musculo-skeletal disorders (joint pains, sciatica, etc), Haemorrhoids (piles), Gastritis (Ulcers), Respiratory problems (Wheezing, sinusitis, etc), diabetes and hypertension.
  • As a Academician, he has Expertise in
  • developing Innovative educational
  • programs in the area of Ayurveda and
  • Traditional medicine for laymen, college
  • students, medical professions across the
  • globe.
  • As a International trainer, He has been
  • visiting multiple continents to teach
  • Ayurveda. He has delivered classes and talks
  • in Bolivia, Chile, Bulgaria, Singapore,
  • Thailand, Srilankha and other countries
  • Currently coordinating projects on
  • training of Paramedical staff in the skills of
  • Panchakarma therapy and General Duty
  • Assistant programs

Ongoing Projects / Research

Project on “Training Youth of Odisha in Panchakarma Therapy & Yoga Basics”, sponsored by Odisha Skill Development Authority, Government of Odisha

Project on “Training Unemployed youth across the country in General Duty Assistant Job role”, sponsored by TDU-BOSCH CSR Grant

Project on “Training Unemployed youth in Panchakarma Therapy & Yoga Basics”, sponsored by TDU-BOSCH CSR Grant

Selected Publications

V. Girishkumar, M. Sreepriya, S. Praveenkumar, Geetha Bali, M.S. Jagadeesh, ‘Modulating effect of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz) Wight & arn against chromate (VI)-induced immunosuppression and oxidative stress on mouse splenic lymphocytes and bone marrow derived macrophages’, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 131 (2010) 505–508;

Kumar Seethakempanahalli Kempanna, Balakrishna Nair Mannoor Narayanan, Natesan Punniamurthy, Girish Kumar Venkateshappa, ‘Ayurveda Understanding of Mastitis in Diary Animals’, J Ayu Med Sci, 2018; Apr-Jun 3(2): 349-52

Awards / Memberships


Domain expert for Curriculum development for Ayurveda Education
Resource person for Teaching in Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Dravyaguna & Bhaishjyakalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics), Ayurvedic Nutrition principles; Panchakarma;
Developed curriculum for more than 17 courses on Ayurveda & traditional health sciences
Attended 8 international and 10 National conferences
Has publications made in peer reviewed Journals & articles on Health concepts being published regularly in Amruth heritage – bimonthly magazine.