Research Themes

Conservation of Natural Resource

The Centre for Conservation of Natural Resources (CCNR) at TDU pioneers medicinal plant conservation, housing the National Herbarium and Raw Drug Repository. Key projects include strengthening botanical databases, sustainable harvesting, resource augmentation, livelihood generation, and capacity building across Karnataka, Kerala, and Chhattisgarh, funded by the National Medicinal Plants Board and other agencies.

We are one of the core centers and building blocks of TDU. We have built crucial resources including the state-of-the-art National Herbarium and Raw Drug Repository

Centre for Conservation of Natural Resources (CCNR) is one of the core centers of TDU and was one of the building blocks of the organization. Its resources include the state-of-the-art National Herbarium and Raw Drug Repository. Over the years, the centre has been at the forefront in demonstrating the Medicinal Plants Conservation Program.

We are currently working on the below projects

1. Strengthening of National Herbarium, Raw Drug Repository and multi-Disciplinary databases of Medicinal Botanicals of India

2. Plant Wealth of Lalbagh Botanical Garden

3. Resource Augmentation of selected RET and High Traded Medicinal Plant species Covering 22 JFMCs in 18 Forest Divisions of Karnataka, India funded by National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) through Karnataka Forest Department

4. Generation of Livelihood Opportunities for the Local Communities in Savanadurga by Sustainably Utilising the Natural Resources funded by National Medicinal Plants Board, Govt. of India through Karnataka Forest Department

5. Sustainable Harvesting, Value Addition, Warehousing and Marketing of Selected RET and High Traded Medicinal Plant Species Covering 22 JFMCs in 18 Forest Divisions of Karnataka, India Department Funded by National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Govt. of India through Karnataka Forest Department

6. Sustainable harvesting, value addition, warehousing and marketing of selected RET & hightraded species in Peechi and Silent Valley Wildlife Divisions, Kerala, funded by NMPB, New Delhi, through Kerala Forest and Wildlife department, Government of Kerala

7. Capacity building of MFP collectors of Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce Federation (CGMFPF) on good collection practices of nationalized and non-nationalised MFPs in Chhattisgarh Funded by Chhattisgarh Minor Forest Produce Federation Cooperative Limited, Raipur

Research Topics

Research Topics

Study of Development of Galls in Karkatashringi

Botanical & Ecological Survey: Diversity, ecology and status of wild medicinal plant resources” in Heggada Devana Kote, Mysuru district.

Botanical and Population study in Project “Detailed Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) species including their collection, usage, demand, markets, price trends and life cycle, focusing on landscapes in Sikkim under SECURE Himalaya Project”

Development of sustainable harvesting methodologies for selected medicinal plant species in Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas (MPCAs), Chhattisgarh. Funded by Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board, Raipur

Rapid Assessment of Population of Conservation Concern species at Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas in Karnataka. Funded by Karnataka Forest Department

Improving the semi-processing and packaging methods to enhance the quality and market value of selected medicinal plants in Peechi Wildlife Sanctuary and Silent Valley National Park, Kerala. Funded by National Medicinal Plants Board, Govt. of India

Our team

Team of Researchers

Dr. Abdul Kareem

Associate Professor

Mr. Jagannatha Rao

Assistant Professor

Dr. Noorunnisa Begum

Associate Professor

Mr. Somashekhar B S

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chetan HC

Associate Professor

Dr. Dhatchanamoorthy N

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ganesh Babu N M

Associate Professor

Dr. Ravi Kumar K


Ms. Sathya Sangeetha

Assistant Professor

Dr. Suma T S

Assistant Professor

Contact us

Program Email

If you have any queries, please feel free to write us a letter. You can mail it to:

Dr. Abdul Kareem

Official Phone

You can reach us by telephone during working hours, i.e., Monday-Friday between 10:30AM & 4PM IST:

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