TDU is approved by QCI as a Personnel Certification Body to assess and certify prior learning of traditional healers, following the International norms as per ISO 17024.

Voluntary Certification Scheme for Traditional Community Healthcare Providers

A pioneering initiative at TDU focused on developing ISO standards for the certification of Traditional Community Health Providers (TCHP) practicing traditional health systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and other indigenous health practices.

By certifying local health providers, TDU, is working to ensure that these practices meet modern health and safety standards, is efficacious while maintaining their cultural authenticity.

A National Scheme implemented by TDU in collaboration with Quality Council of India (QCI), New Delhi, has TDU being a Personnel Certification Body (PrCB) to assess and certify prior learning of traditional community healthcare providers by following the International norms as per ISO 17024

The Voluntary Certification Scheme of Traditional Community Healthcare Providers (VCSTCHP) is a powerful tool for ensuring the quality, legitimacy, and integration of traditional healthcare practices within the modern healthcare framework, benefiting both practitioners and the communities they serve. 

This certification process boosts the social legitimacy of village healers and traditional medicine and also helps integrate these practices more effectively into India's health system. So far, over 2,000 TCHPs have been certified in various streams including Common Ailments, Jaundice, Joint Pain, Traditional Bone-setting, Poisonous Bites Management etc contributing to the revitalization and recognition of Local Health Traditions

Appeals & Complaints

The candidates may appeal to the Appeals Sub-committee against any decisions of the PrCB. The TCHPs, the users of the services of the certified TCHPs or any other stake holders may register their complaints to the Complaints Sub-committee. The appeals and complaints will be acknowledged within a week and will be attended and responded to within 3 weeks.

Appeals Sub-Committtee

  • Dr. Leena Wadia, Member
  • Dr. Nirmala Murthy, Member

Click here to register a complaint

Complaints Sub-Committtee

  • Mr. Suresh Hegde, Member
  • Dr. Girish Kumar, Member

Click here to register an appeal

Need help to register a complaint or appeal?
Contact Dr. Swathi - 080 28568000  Ext.: 107

TCHP Empanelled Evaluators

Call for Application

The University of Trans Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), a Certification Body approved by the Quality Council of India calls for applications from the eligible  applicants amongst Traditional Community Healthcare Providers who are interested to  seek their certification under the Voluntary Certification Scheme launched by the QCI &  FRLHT for Traditional Community Healthcare Providers, in the management of a few  selected traditional community healthcare practices relating to Common Ailments,  Jaundice, Joint Pain, Poisonous Bites, Traditional Birth Attendants and Traditional  Bone Setting.

The objective of the scheme is to provide an opportunity to the interested Traditional Community Healthcare Providers (TCHP) to seek certification through evaluation of their competence through a third party assessment of knowledge and skills.

Application Form (ENGLISH)

Information Brochure (ENGLISH)

Scheme Documents (ENGLISH)

Dr. Prakash BN

Associate Professor

Mr. Hariramamurthi G

Emeritus Professor

Dr. Girish Kumar

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Srividya Venkatesh

Assistant Registrar - Human Resource

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