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TDU is approved by Quality Council of India (QCI) as a Personnel Certification Body to assess and certify prior learning of traditional healers, following the International norms as per ISO 17024.
TDU is a provisionally approved Personnel Certification Body(PrCB) responsible for assessing and certifying community-based traditionalhealers. This process evaluates their prior healthcare knowledge and skills inspecific areas (health conditions), based on the Minimum Standards ofCompetence (MSC) outlined as per ISO 17024.
Since 2019, TDU has held the status of PrCB under the Voluntary Certification Scheme for Traditional Community Healthcare Providers(VCSTCHP), a national personnel certification initiative jointly launched by the Quality Council of India (QCI), New Delhi, and the Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bengaluru.
Traditional Community Healthcare Providers (TCHPs) are nothing but the traditional healers/folk healers/Parampara Vaidya, play a vital role in meeting the health care needs of our populations in India especially in rural areas. They treat from a range of simple primary healthcare related common ailments to management of jaundice, joint pain, sprain, dislocation and bone fracture, child birth, women and child health, poisonous bites, skin diseases, burns and so on. These TCHPs are supported by the local communities who are seeking their services in prevention and management of primary healthcare issues and for promotion of health. VCSTCHP is an exclusive scheme to accredit and certify these traditional healers through internationally accepted process, ISO 17024, 3rd party certification through PrCB. Following 6 streams are considered for certification based on their prior knowledge and skills
1) Common Ailments
2) Jaundice
3) Joint Pain
4) Traditional Bone Setting
5) Poisonous Bites
6) Traditional Birth Attendants
a. Age: 28 years and above
b. Experience: 10 years and above in the streams(health conditions) of practice.
All vernacular languages (according to the respective state’s languages)
1. Knowledge Evaluation
2. Case Presentation
3. Viva voce on case study presentation
4. Practical demonstration
5. Field verification
The application forms in different languages are available for download to apply
Dr. Girish Kumar
Dr. Bhanupriya
Dr. Arun Bhanu
Dr. Nithin G N
Dr. Inde T G
Dr. Chakradhar
Dr. Akhilesan V
Dr. Sri Venkatesh
Ms. Shubhashree Sahoo
Ms. Krupali Mohanty
· Dr. Leena Wadia, Chairperson
· Dr. Prakash BN, Member Secretary
· Dr. Girish Kumar, Member
· Mr. Ravikumar G, Member
· Mr. Suresh Hegde, Member
· Mrs. Srividya Venkatesh, Member
· Mr. Hariramamurthi G, Member
The candidates may appealto the Appeals Sub-committee against any decisions of the PrCB. The TCHPs, theusers of the services of the certified TCHPs or any other stake holders mayregister their complaints to the Complaints Sub-committee. The appeals andcomplaints will be acknowledged within a week and will be attended andresponded to within 3 weeks
Click here to register a complaint
Click here to register an appeal
Contact :
080 - 28568000 - Ext.: 107
Associate Professor
Quality Manager
Technical Head, PrCB
Lead Evaluator
Lead Evaluator, PrCB
Project Assistant
If you have any queries, please feel free to write us a letter. You can mail it to:
You can reach us by telephone during working hours, i.e., Monday-Friday between 10:30AM & 4PM IST:
For all correspondence and official purposes, this is our legal name and address: