Research Themes

Traditional Knowledge, Data Science and Informatics

The Centre for Traditional Knowledge, Data Sciences, and Informatics preserves and advances Ayurveda through research, outreach, and education. It develops medicinal plant databases, digitizes manuscripts, expands global partnerships, promotes awareness, and creates e-learning tools. It also enhances health accessibility via regional-language websites and apps for diverse communities.

We understand, conserve and propagate Traditional Knowledge on Indian Systems of Medicine, especially Ayurveda and its contemporary relevance in education, research and application.

The Centre for Traditional Knowledge, Data Sciences and Informatics has the following objectives

In Research
# To encourage collaborative programs/research projects to share Medicinal Plants related data with local, regional, national and international organizations like AYUSH/NMPB/MoEF, DBT, DST and other similar institutions.
# To support medicinal plants research that will strengthen PhD studies.
# To develop well researched innovative educational tools (Web Portals, Apps, CDs, Books) in the field of preventive, promotive and curative aspects of health.
# To develop well researched education materials for different user groups on medicinal plants & TK.
# To develop bioinformatics / predictive modeling tools for using various databases and network pharmacology.
# To conduct studies in the field of Traditional quality controls and in ISM using research evidences.
# To develop well researched databases in the field of medicinal plants, metals & minerals and medicinal fauna.
# To digitize medical manuscripts and publish rare books, Dictionaries in Sanskrit, English And Regional Languages.

In Outreach
# To widen TDU reach through the web and by partnership, and increase the impact of ISM health with national and global audiences.
# To aim at high public visitation through web and partner with world class institutions to share our message.
# To link various ISM institutes / experts through e-portal / learning facility.
# Conduct and participate in national and international programmes to increase awareness on and importance of Indian medical Heritage & Traditional knowledge.
# To publish articles in popular magazines , scientific journals on TK
# To conduct promotional programmes in collaboration with Govt./ NGO on conservation of medicinal plants and TK
# To provide health informatics facility to ISM institutes through

In Education
# Takeup Prioritised curriculam development and modules for TDU courses
# To design and develop establish e- learning tools to strengthen TDU Courses
# To conduct capacity building programs to encourage agencies to establish Medicinal plants and TK informatics (at local, regional, national and international, ISM colleges).
# To conduct training programmes in the field of TK with special reference to ISM
# To support Primary health care programmes for urban and rural people through web sites and APPs in regional languages.
# To conduct studies in Theoretical foundations of ISM & Medicinal plants at PG, PhD Level

Research Topics

Research Topics

GIS enabled Taluka pharmacopoeia

Study of identity of controversial medicinal plants

Translation of manuscripts on Nadivigyana (Pulse diagnosis)

Development of Drug discovery databases using Network pharmacology tools

Development of Medical dictionary of Ayurveda in Sanskrit-Kannada-English

Publication of a critical edition of manuscripts on Jvara/ Fever

Development of Drug discovery databases using Network pharmacology tools

Our team

Team of Researchers

Mr. Varuna Subramanya

Assistant Professor

SN Venugopalan Nair

Assistant Professor

Dr. Tabassum Ishrath Fathima

Assistant Professor

Dr. Alwar M A

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Sateesh K S

Emeritus Professor

Contact us

Program Email

If you have any queries, please feel free to write us a letter. You can mail it to:

Mr. Varuna Subramanyam

Official Phone

You can reach us by telephone during working hours, i.e., Monday-Friday between 10:30AM & 4PM IST:

Official Address

For all correspondence and official purposes, this is our legal name and address: