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The Centre for Clinical Research and Education specializes in transdisciplinary links within the university, converting research into primary healthcare solutions. They conduct whole system studies, clinical trials, and observational studies on Ayurveda treatments for non-communicable diseases, focusing on anemia, diabetes, brain function, stroke, nervous system disorders, human microbiome, Ayurveda wellness scoring, and predictive medicine tools.
The Centre for Clinical Research and Education specialises in developing transdisciplinary links across the university, turning research into outreach solutions in primary healthcare. Whole system studies, clinical trials and observational studies for the effect, efficacy and safety of Ayurveda based treatment in non-communicable diseases, generating clinical evidence is a key activity in this theme.
Our focal areas of research include
Brain functions through Ayurveda
Nervous system disorders
Human Microbiome study
Development of Ayurveda based wellness scoring tool
Predictive medicine tools with Ayurveda
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