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Voluntary Certification Scheme for Traditional Community Healthcare Providers
VCSTCHP is a National Scheme which is being implemented by Quality Council of India (QCI), New Delhi and the Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore. TDU is approved by QCI as a Personnel Certification Body to assess and certify prior learning of traditional healers, following the International norms as per ISO 17024.
Traditional Community Healthcare Providers (TCHPs) play a vital role in meeting the health care needs of our populations in India especially in rural areas. They constitute a unique group of community supported paramedical health workers of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy). They treat from a range of simple primary healthcare related common ailments to management of jaundice, joint pain, sprain, dislocation and bone fracture, child birth, women and child health, poisonous bites, skin diseases, burns and so on. They provide treatment to their needy and poor patients solely based on their social legitimacy. National ISM Policy Statement (2002), National Rural Health Mission Statement (2005) and Five Year Plan documents of Planning Commission, Government of India (2007 and 2012) and National Health Policy 2017 officially confirm the existence and relevance of Traditional Community Healthcare Providers. National or State programmes to strengthen and build the capacity of these community supported AYUSH paramedical health workers are yet to be designed and implemented by any Government Institutions to strengthen and build capacity of Traditional Community Healthcare Providers and mainstream them in to the Public Health System. This lack of support inhibits the continuity of the great tradition of Traditional Community Healthcare Providers of our country. To meet the growing demand for community healthcare providers in the public health system, the public health experts and professionals have recommended to certify and build the capacity of Traditional Community Healthcare Providers through a Voluntary Certification Scheme for TCHPs.
The candidates may appeal to the Appeals Sub-committee against any decisions of the PrCB. The TCHPs, the users of the services of the certified TCHPs or any other stake holders may register their complaints to the Complaints Sub-committee. The appeals and complaints will be acknowledged within a week and will be attended and responded to within 3 weeks.
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Need help to register a complaint or appeal?
Contact Dr. Swathi - 080 28568000 Ext.: 107
The University of Trans Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), a Certification Body approved by the Quality Council of India calls for applications from the eligible applicants amongst Traditional Community Healthcare Providers who are interested to seek their certification under the Voluntary Certification Scheme launched by the QCI & FRLHT for Traditional Community Healthcare Providers, in the management of a few selected traditional community healthcare practices relating to Common Ailments, Jaundice, Joint Pain, Poisonous Bites, Traditional Birth Attendants and Traditional Bone Setting.
The objective of the scheme is to provide an opportunity to the interested Traditional Community Healthcare Providers (TCHP) to seek certification through evaluation of their competence through a third party assessment of knowledge and skills.
If you have any queries, please feel free to write us a letter. You can mail it to:
You can reach us by telephone during working hours, i.e., Monday-Friday between 10:30AM & 4PM IST:
For all correspondence and official purposes, this is our legal name and address: