Assistant Professor

Dr Lavanya Devi K
Functional Genomics and Bio-Informatics

A plant Biologist, Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) Bangalore, keen on the research of plants DNA barcoding, molecular phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity studies using molecular Tools and comparison with the morpho and chemo traits.

In the Centre for Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics, involved in the Finger Millet Genome Project and keen on exploring more of the plant world with genomics technologies for the social welfare and plant diversity conservation.  

  • Keen on teaching and guiding students for their masters and doctoral programs.
  • NGS Training coordinator: From May 2018, coordinating the NGS Training Programs of Center for Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics.
  • Internship coordinator: From May 2018, coordinating the internship program in Centre for Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics.
  • M. Sc. Coordinator: From November 2019, coordinating M. Sc. by Research programme from CFGB

Ongoing Projects / Research

Integrated Genomics-Assisted Breeding for Efficient Development of Superior Finger Millet Varieties for Karnataka” funded by Govt. of Karnataka in collaboration with ICRISAT.

In this project, 118 Karnataka Finger Millet germplasm were selected which included Released varieties, Blast resistant, blast susceptible and drought germplasm. The whole genome re-sequencing has been carried out and the bioinformatics data analysis for the superior traits is under progress.

Plant DNA Finger printing: Involved in the standardization of DNA isolation from fresh as well as dry samples from Medicinal plants, optimization of polymerase chain reaction using nuclear and plastid genes. Optimized more than 50 medicinal plants, including around 30 RET (Rare, endangered and threatened) medicinal plant species for molecular authentication.

Selected Publications

1. Micropropagation of Spilanthes paniculata Wall ex. DC. Mahendran, Lavanya Devi K., Narmatha Bai, Plant Cell. Biotech. and Mol. Biol. 7(1&2): 85-88 2006
2. Spilanthes oleracea L. - An Asteraceae herb with ornamental value naturalized in Peninsular India Lavanya Devi K., Ganeshan S and M.B. Shivanna International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Vol. 3(11): 2324-2327. 2014
3. Optimization of parameters for DNA isolation and PCR ISSR protocol of species of Spilanthes from peninsular India Lavanya Devi K., Shivanna M.B., Ganeshan S. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Vol. 3(9):1088-1091 2014
4. ISSR markers for determination of genetic diversity in Spilanthes species- medicinal herb from peninsular India" Lavanya Devi K., Anuradha Sane, International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Vol. 6(3):128-139. 2016
5. Chemical variation of Spilanthes species (Asteraceae) a medicinal herb in peninsular India -revealed by GCMS-MS". Lavanya Devi K., M. B. Shivanna, Ganeshan S., International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. Vol. 6(3):86-97. 2016
6. Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Spilanthes Species from Peninsular India Lavanya Devi K., Shivanna MB, Ganeshan S Int. J Pharm Pharmacology ; 1(3): 115 2017
7. Ecological Niche modelling of the medicinally important genus Spilanthes (Asteraceae) in Peninsular India Lavanya Devi K., M.B. Shivanna, Communicated 2020
8. Morphological characteristics - revising the genus status of Spilanthes Jacq. for Acmella Richard. in Peninsular India Lavanya Devi K., M.B. Shivanna
9. Exotic ornamental palms S. Ganeshan, Anuradha Sane, D.L. Shetti, Lavanya Devi K. PALMS Westville Publishing House
10. A medicinal herb in "Horticultural Crops of High Nutra-Pharmaceutical value Lavanya Devi K., M.B. Shivanna (2017) Future Crops Vol. III, Brillion Publishing New York (India).

Awards / Memberships

M.Sc. (Applied Botany) Second Rank, Mangalore University

Board of Studies Member St. Agnes College (2018-2020)