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Expertise / Achievements
1. Venugopalan Nair S.N., D. K. Ved, K. Ravikumar, I. F. Tabassum ...et al. (2020) Indian Medicinal Plants Database (IMPLAD) and Threatened Medicinal Plants of India. In: Rajasekharan P., Wani S. (eds) Conservation and Utilization of Threatened Medicinal Plants. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39793-7_3)
2. Venugopalan Nair S.N., Shilpa N., Vargheese T., Tabassum I.F. (2019) Neem: Traditional Knowledge from Ayurveda. In: Gowda M., Sheetal A., Kole C. (eds) The Neem Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.
3. Thomas V, Nair SNV, Ved DK, Shankar D. Controversial identities of medicinal plants in classical literature of Ayurveda [published online ahead of print, 2020 Feb 15]. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2020;S0975-9476(18)30374-7. doi:10.1016/j.jaim.2019.09.003
4. S.N.Venugopalan Nair, Medicinal plants for holistic health and wellbeing by Namirta lall, Current science, Vol 114, No.10, 25, May 2018.
5. Venugopalan Nair SN. Network Pharmacology as an Appropriate Bioinformatics Tool for Drug Discovery. Bioinform Proteom , Medwin publishers ,Opn Acc J, 2018, 2(1): 000123
6. Ishrath F.T., Nair.S.N.V., and Somashekar.R.K., 2017. Traditional Knowledge in policy and practice: An Approach to development and human well-being, International conference of Science and Technology for Management of Emerging Environmental Issues, January 7th, ISBN 978-81-921562-3.1
7. S.N.Venugopalan Nair, Venkatasubramanian P, Understanding the concept-Rasayana in Ayurveda Biology, Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine, Medwin publishers, Vol1.Issue 2. (2017).
8. S.N.Venugopalan Nair, Darshan Shankar, Knowledge generation in Ayurveda: Methodological aspects, Indian Journal of History of Science, 51.1 (2016) 48-55.
9. shrath F.T., Nair.S.N.V., Ved.D.K., and R.K.Somashekar.R.K., 2015. Interactive Database: An Effective Tool for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation: A Case Study of Arunachal Pradesh, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol 4, Issue 9, September, ISSN (online): 2319-7064
10. Rotti H, SN Venugopalan Nair , et al, DNA methylation analysis of phenotype specific stratified Indian population, Journal of Translational Medicine (2015) 13:151 DOI 10.1186/s12967-015-0506-0
11. Rotti H, Raval R, Anchan S, Bellampalli R, Bhale S, Bharadwaj R, S.N.Venugopalan Nair, et al Determinants of Prakriti, the Human Constitution Types of Indian Traditional Medicine and its Correlation with Contemporary Science. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2014;5:167-75.