Certificate Programs
3 Credits (Theory - 30 Hrs and Practicals - 30 Hrs) From February 19th, 2025 onwards on every Wednesday and Thursdays (1.30 pm to 4.30 pm)

Bioinformatics for NGS Data Analysis

Mastering NGS data analysis is key to unlocking new scientific discoveries and advancing in the field of bioinformatics.

Bioinformatics for NGS Data Analysis focuses on processing and interpreting genomic data generated by Next-Generation Sequencing technologies.  

As NGS technologies continue to revolutionize research in genetics, medicine, and biotechnology, this course provides the essential skills to process, analyze, and derive meaningful insights from high-throughput sequencing data.

Mastering NGS data analysis is key to unlocking new scientific discoveries and advancing in the field of bioinformatics.

Key features:

1) Expert-led sessions by experienced professionals in bioinformatics

2) Practical, hands-on experience with real NGS datasets

3) Access to high-quality learning resources and support

For more information

Official Contact

Dr. Lavanya Devi K., Asst. Professor

Contact Info

