Learning For Life
6 weeks

Fundamentals of Sustainable Development Goals

The course explores the evolving landscape of development, focusing on economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It covers key challenges, actions, and stakeholders with case studies and group activities. Suitable for professionals, researchers, and students interested in sustainability. Starting in March, it runs on weekends. Fee: Rs. 7500 + 18% GST.

About the Course

The course provides the participants with insights into the evolving landscape and future of overall development, including economic progress, social equity and environmental sustainability.

This course covers the stakeholders, challenges, pillars of sustainability, and actions that drive the future of climate change, biodiversity, natural resource conservation and social equality.

The course includes real world case studies, group activities, presentations and assignments.

  • Course Starting Date: 3rd Week of March
  • Timings:  Saturdays & Sundays; 10 am to 1 pm; 2 pm to 4 pm.

Course details will be shared after registration

Course Eligibility

Participants may come from diverse backgrounds including researchers, policy and development professionals, faculty, PG students and industry professionals interested in the applications of sustainability.

Career Path

Professionals and academicians aspiring to take up sustainability related positions or those planning to integrate sustainability in their business.

Course Fee Details

Rs. 7500 + 18% GST

For more information