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Education – M.Sc. Life Science (Plant Systematics by Research) from The University of TransDisciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (2021-23).Leadership Experience – Have presented work among eminent plant taxonomists as oral presentations in five International Symposiums.Moderator, subject/area expert and major contributor to India’s largest online plant database https://efloraofindia.com/ website and one of the major contributors to Flowers of India. website http://www.flowersofindia.net/misc/credits.htmlDiscovered one new plant taxon to science world (Impatiens glauca var. ecalcarata).Added two new plant records for the Flora of India viz. Impatiens scullyi & Orobanchecumana.Rediscovered a rare orchid named Calanthe davidii after 11 decades which was otherwise believed to have gone extinct in Indian Himalayan region. Relevant Work Experience – More than six years of independent working experience as an explorer, plant taxonomist and field botanist in tough terrains of temperate areas of Western Himalayan region particularly across parts of Himachal Pradesh state.