
Darshan Shankar
Darshan Shankar is the managing and founder trustee of FRLHT and the first VC of TDU. His core contributions lie in the field of educational innovation.

Darshan Shankar is the managing and founder trustee of FRLHT and the first VC of TDU. His core contributions lie in the field of educational innovation. He started his career in 1973 at the age of 23, at the University of Bombay, where he designed and implemented a post graduate “experiential” learning program that won a Commonwealth Award in 1976, for being the best program in the Commonwealth for linking University education to community needs.

Darshan worked as one of the youngest faculty at the University of Bombay from 1973 to 1980. In 1980 he started an NGO in Maharashtra and lived and worked for twelve years in a forested tribal taluka at the foot hills of the western ghats. The NGO engaged in programs related to S&T applications for tribal habitats. During 1985 – 1990 seeded and directed a pioneering all India Network of NGOs called Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samiti (LSPSS). During 1986 – 1990  served as honorary consultant to office of the Advisor to the PM on Technology Missions. In 1993, he moved to Bangalore, where along with Sam Pitroda, he founded the “Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT)” and the 100-bed healthcare centre called “Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (IAIM)”. In 2013 the Government of Karnataka upgraded FRLHT into “The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences & Technology (TDU)”, Bengaluru.

Ongoing Projects / Research

Advises most of the research programs and projects in TDU

Teaching Activities

  • Takes one  course in TDU on  “Sociology, history and epistemology of India’s Medical Heritage” (Link)
  • Lectures extensively in Universities, national and international conferences, and on several civil society platforms on subjects related to education, conservation of medicinal plants and Indian medical heritage.  

Outreach Activities

Advise the major outreach programs in TDU

Selected Publications

He has edited one book “Challenging the Indian Medical Heritage” and written several chapters in other books published by Springer, Penguin and Routledge. He has also written many peer reviewed articles in national and international publications. He is one of the founders of the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine which is the first peer reviewed journal in India of Ayurveda, published by Elsevier.

Shortlist of few research publications

1. Darshan Shankar, Indigenous Health Services – State of the Art (C). State of India’s Health, Voluntary Health Association of India. New Delhi, India 1992

2. Darshan Shankar, Ram Manohar, Ayurveda Today – Ayurveda at the Crossroads (C) Oriental Medicine – An Illustrated Guide to the Asian Arts of Healing, Serinda Publications UK London, UK 1995

3. Darshan Shankar The Need to get over the Colonial Health Policy (A) Ancient Science of Life, Vol.XVI-3(1), Coimbatore, India 1997

4. Darshan Shankar, Contemporary Relevance of Traditional Systems of Medicine (C) Independent Commission of Health, Voluntary Health Association of India. New Delhi, India 1997

5. Darshan Shankar, DK Ved, Regulating Export of endangered medicinal plant species – Need for scientific rigour (A) Current Science, Vol.75, No.4, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (25th August, 1998) New Delhi, India 1998

6. Shankar, Darshan, Challenging the Indian Medical Heritage (Book) & Puthiyedath, Rammanohar & Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan. (2004), Chapter Alternative Macro Visions. 10.1017/UPO9788175968752.005.

7. Unnikrishnan, PM and Venugopal, SN and D'Souza, Sarika, Darshan Shankar, The Ayurvedic Perspective on Malaria, CRC Press LLC 2004

8. Hariramamurthi, Govindaswamy & Venkatasubramanian, Padma & Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan & Shankar, Darshan. (2006). Home herbal gardens— A novel health security strategy based on local knowledge and resources. 10.1142/9781860949135_0008.

9. Darshan Shankar, P. M. Unnikrishnan and Padma Venkatasubramanian *, Need to develop inter-cultural standards for quality, safety and efficacy of traditional Indian systems of medicine. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 92, NO. 11, 10 JUNE 2007.

10. Shankar, Darshan. “A Future Agenda for the Indian Medical Heritage?” Indian Anthropologist 37, no. 1 (2007): 173–86.

11. Darshan Shankar. Conceptual framework for new models of integrative medicine
Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine | January 2010 | Vol 1 | Issue 1.

12. Darshan Shankar, Unnikrishnan PM, Lokesh Kumar HP “Health Providers in India: on the Frontlines of Change”, Traditional Orthopaedic Practitioners’ Place in Contemporary Health. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London2010.

13. Darshan Shankar, The unfinished agenda of modernization: Discovering the contemporary relevance of traditional knowledge, Multicultural Knowledge and the University, 2013

14. Darshan Shankar. Health sector reforms for 21st century healthcare. Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine | January-March 2015 | Vol 6 | Issue 1.

15. S N Venugopalan Nair and Darshan Shankar, Knowledge Generation in Ayurveda: Methodological Aspects, Indian Journal of History of Science, 51.1 (2016) 48-55,

16. Shankar, Darshan. (2019). Contemporizing Tribal and Indigenous Medical Knowledge: An Indian Perspective. Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge for the Modern Era, CRC Press, 10.1201/b21965-3.

17. Thomas V, Nair SNV, Ved DK, Shankar D. Controversial identities of medicinal plants in classical literature of Ayurveda. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2020 Oct-Dec;11(4):565-572. doi: 10.1016/j.jaim.2019.09.003. Epub 2020 Feb 16. PMID: 32070638; PMCID: PMC7772482.

18. Shankar, D. (2020). Roadmap for Ayurveda Education in Modern India. In: Sarangapani, P.M., Pappu, R. (eds) Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems. Springer, Singapore.

19. Darshan Shankar, Forests and Medicinal plants, a living heritage, Forestry & Land Use Manager, The Nature Conservancy Centre, 2020

20. Mahesh Madhav Mathpati, Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana, Darshan Shankar, John DH. Porter, ‘Population self-reliance in health’ and COVID-19: The need for a 4th tier in the health system, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2022,100354, ISSN 0975-9476,

21. Darshan Shankar, Reimagining India’s national health system (NHS), J Ayurveda Integrative Med,

22. Darshan Shankar , Bhavya Vijay , Gurmeet Singh , Chethala N. Vishnuprasad , Ashwini Godbole , Subrahmanya Kumar Kukkupuni , Megha , Prasan Shankar , Poornima Devkumar, Breaking silos: can the emerging field of Ayurvedic biology contribute to the advancement of Indian health science, CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 122, NO. 3, 10 FEBRUARY 2022,

23. Sarika Chaturvedi, John Porter, Geetha Krishnan Gopalakrishna Pillai, Leena Abraham, Darshan Shankar, Bhushan Patwardhan, India and its pluralistic health system – a new philosophy for Universal Health Coverage, The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, Volume 10, 2023, 100136, ISSN 2772-3682,

24. Darshan Shankar, DREAMS OF A HEALTHY INDIA, in chapter Innovation in India’s Health Sciences: Three Pathbreaking Examples, An imprint of Penguin random House, 2022.

25. Darshan Shankar, Relational Ontologies in health sciences and practices in India, Critical Sustainability Sciences: Intercultural and Emancipatory Perspectives, edited by Stephan Rist, Routledge, Aug 2023.

26. Bhushan Patwardhan, Darshan Shankar, The Devil’s Advocate: Review of evidence for reconfiguration of clinical services in India? In press

27. Shankar, D. (2022). Reimagining India's National Health System (NHS). In A.V. Balasubramanian, G. Sivaramakrishnan and J.K. Suresh (eds.), Reimagining Swaraj through Indian Traditions: Essays in Honour of Shri Dharampal on his Birth Centenary (pp.333-358). PPST.

28. Darshan Shankar, An Indian perspective on contemporizing Tribal and Indigenous Medical Knowledge for the Modern World

Awards / Memberships


• Commonwealth Award (1976)
• Normal Borlaug Award (1998) for contributions to conservation of wild populations of medicinal plants
• Columbia University’s International Award (2003) for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
• Padma Shri (2011) – Government of India

Honorary Positions

• Advisor (ISM), Planning Commission, Govt. of India, 2008 - 2012
• Member, National Biodiversity Authority, Govt. of India, 2 terms
• Member, National Wildlife Board, Govt. of India, 1 term
• Member, Executive Board of Global Initiative for Traditional Systems (GIFTS), Oxford, UK
• Member, Academic Council, Rajasthan Ayurvedic University, Jodhpur
• Member, Independent Commission on Development and Health in India, New Delhi
• Convener, Working Group on Traditional Health Sciences of the National Knowledge Commission, Govt. of India
• Member, International Expert Group to advise PM’s Office, Govt. of Malaysia, on development of Herbal Sector
• Member, Population Commission, Govt. of India
• Member, Research council, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
• Member, International Expert Group set up by IUCN and WWF, Germany and WHO on Standards for Sustainable harvest of Medicinal Plants
• Member, Board of Directors, Inter University Doctoral Research Program on Endogenous Knowledge, Netherlands