
Dr. Anindya “Rana” Sinha
Anindya Sinha is currently Professor of Coexistence Studies in TDU and Professor of Animal Behaviour and Cognition at the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Bangalore.

Anindya Sinha is currently Professor of Coexistence Studies in TDU and Professor of Animal Behaviour and Cognition at the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Bangalore. He has earlier studied the molecular biochemistry of yeast metabolism for his doctorate at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai and subsequently, the social biology of wasps and the classical genetics of human disease at the Centre for Ecological Sciences in the Indian Institute of Science and the National Centre for Biological Sciences, both in Bangalore.

Anindya’s principal research, over more than three decades, has, however, been on the behavioural ecology, cognitive ethology, population and behavioural genetics, evolutionary biology, and conservation studies of primates and other nonhuman species, including Asian elephants and Irrawaddy dolphins. He was responsible, along with several of his colleagues, for the scientific reporting of a new species of primate, the Arunachal macaque, in northeastern India, although his principal contributions have been in understanding the structure and evolution of the nonhuman primate mind.

Anindya’s current research in the natural philosophies, urban ecologies, historical art heritage and performance studies involve etho-ethnographic explorations of other-than-human synurbisation, human–nonhuman relations and the lived experiences of nonhumans, promising unique insights into more-than-human lifeworlds – of the past, today and in the future.

Ongoing Projects / Research

·   Impact of Monkey-Proofing on Human–Macaque Conflict: Conservation of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque in the Southern Western Ghats, India, Rufford Foundation, London, UK (with Ashni Kumar Dhawale, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore)

·   Close to Humans: Personality Differences in Rhesus Macaques in Response to Human Interactions in a Tropical Forest in India, International Primatological Society (with Deyatima Ghosh, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China)

·   Establishing Community-based Conflict Mitigation Strategies and Socioecological Research to Promote Elephant–Human Coexistence in Northeastern India, Rufford Foundation, London, UK (with Sayan Banerjee, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore)

·   Examining the Potential of Community-led Models to Protect Wildlife from Illegal Hunting and Trade in Northeast India, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, USA (with Uttara Mendiratta, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore)

·   More-than-Human Lifeworlds: Interspecies Relationships, Traditional Ecologies, Sustainability and Health in Asia, French National Institute for Research in Sustainable Development/IRD and National Natural History Museum, Paris, France (with Romain Simenel, IRD, Paris, France and five other international collaborators)

Urban Ecologies: Governing Nonhuman Life in Global Cities, European Research Council, Brussels, Belgium (with Maan Barua, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK)

Teaching Activities

Doctoral and master’s degree courses on Foundations of the Biological Sciences; Philosophy of Science, Biology and Conservation; Research Methodologies in Human–Environment Interactions; Research and Publication Ethics; Animal Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology; Foundations of Animal Behaviour, Cognition, and Consciousness; Human-Wildlife Relationships; and Social Sciences Beyond the Human

Outreach Activities

  • ·Establishment of and continuing engagement with a master’s degree programme in wildlife biology and conservation at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore
  • Close academic and administrative association with the International Biology Olympiad for over two decades
  • ·Research collaborations with a variety of national and international institutions, including

Azim Premji University, BangaloreCentre for Wildlife Studies, BangaloreCotton University, GuwahatiDhole’s Den Research Foundation, Bandipur National ParkIndian Institute of Science, BangaloreCambridge University, UKCentre for Conservation and Research, Sri LankaFrench National Research Institute for Sustainable Development and National Museum of Natural History, FranceNanjing Forestry University, ChinaPrinceton University, USA United Arab Emirates University, UAESt Andrews University, UKUniversity of Lethbridge, CanadaWageningen University, The Netherlands

  • Active teaching and organisation of seminars and workshops across a variety of educational and research institutions, both within and outside the country

Selected Publications

Radhakrishna S, Huffman M A and Sinha A (eds). 2013. The Macaque Connection: Cooperation and Conflict between Humans and Macaques. Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 43. Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2013
Menon S, Sinha A and Sreekantan B V (eds). 2014. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Consciousness and the Self. Springer India, New Delhi
Turner C, Srinivasan S, Daboo J and Sinha A (eds). 2022. Performance at the Urban Periphery – Insights from South India. Routledge, London and New York

Research Papers
Sinha A and Barua M. 2020. Nonhuman lifeworlds in urban India. The Philosopher 108: 22-27
Nautiyal H, Mathur V, Sinha A and Huffman M A. 2020. The Banj oak Quercus leucotrichophora as a potential mitigating factor for human–langur interactions in the Garhwal Himalayas, India: People’s perceptions and ecological importance. Global Ecology and Conservation 20: e00985
Dhawale A K, Kumara M A and Sinha A. 2020. Changing ecologies, shifting behaviours: Behavioural responses of lion-tailed macaques Macaca silenus to a matrix of anthropogenic habitats in southern India. PLoS One 15: e0238695
Sharma N, Sharma A, Deka B and Sinha A. 2020. Chronic extraction of forest resources is threatening a unique wildlife habitat of the Upper Brahmaputra Valley, northeastern India. Current Science 119: 1042-1045
Vijayakrishnan S, Kumar M A and Sinha A. 2020. The elephant in the room: Methods, challenges and concerns in the monitoring of Asian elephant populations. Gajah 52: 39-47
Sharma N, Bawri M, Das D, Deka K, Gogoi N, Jelil S N, Kalita H, Kalita P, Mahananda P, Parasar M, Parbo D, Sur S and Sinha A. 2021. Size matters! The largest wild stump-tailed macaque Macaca arctoides troop ever reported, located in the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, northeastern India. Journal of Biosciences 46: 39
Barua M, Jadhav S S, Singh G, Gupta U, Justa P and Sinha A. 2021. Mental health ecologies and urban wellbeing. Health and Place 69: 102577
Pal A and Sinha A. 2022. Beyond thought for food: Tool use and manufacture by wild nonhuman primates in non-foraging contexts. Special Section on Cognition in the Wild, Current Opinion in Behavioral Science 47: 101201
Pal A, Mahato S, Leca J-B and Sinha A. 2022. Blowing the lid off! Human-induced, bottle-directed extractive foraging strategies in synurbic bonnet macaques Macaca radiata in southern India. Special Section on Cognitive Worlds: Explaining Social Complexity through Inter-individual Behavioural Variability and Intra-individual Plasticity in Social Cognitive Mechanisms, Frontiers in Psychology 13: 973566
Dhawale A K and Sinha A. 2022. Far from home: The synurbisation of a rainforest-evolved primate, the lion-tailed macaque Macaca silenus and its recent adaptations to anthropogenic habitats in southern India. Journal of Biosciences 47: 76
Barua M and Sinha A. 2022/2023. Cultivated, feral, wild: The urban as an ecological formation. Special Issue on Animating the Urban: Urban Wildlife between Encounter and Infrastructure, Urban Geography 44: 2206-2227
The Urban More-than-Human Collective: Dümpelmann S, Gioielli R R, Pauleit S, Sinha A, Wright K and Zhang A. 2023. Making urban environments: Infrastructures of power, resistance and negotiation. Global Environment 16: 222-257
Stotrabhashyam S, Sharma N, Sinha A and Kumar A. 2023. Winter foraging ecology of stump-tailed macaques Macaca arctoides in the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, Assam, India. Journal of Biosciences 48: 30
Dhawale A K and Sinha A. 2024. Twinning in wild, endangered, lion-tailed macaques Macaca silenus in the Anamalai hills of the Western Ghats, India. Primates 65: 29-34
Lainé N, Simenel R, Chowta P, Srinivasaiah N M and Sinha A. 2024. Human–animal interactions: Camera traps as research agents. Anthropology Today 40: 22-26

Book Chapters
Sinha A, Chowdhury A, Anchan N S and Barua M. 2021. Affective ethnographies of animal lives. In: A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies (eds Hovorka A, McCubbin S and Van Patter L). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northampton, MA, USA, pp 129-146
Srinivasaiah N M, Vaidyanathan S, Sukumar R and Sinha A. 2021. Elephants on the move: Implications for human–elephant interactions. In: The Crisis of Climate Change: Weather Report. (eds Agarwal R and Goyal O). Routledge, Abingdon, United Kingdom and New York, pp 92-103
Vijayakrishnan S and Sinha A. 2021. The blind men and the elephant: Reflections on captive elephant management in Kerala, southern India. In: The SOAS Elephant Reader: The History, Current Situation, and Future Prospects of Elephants and Elephant Cultures around the World (ed Emery E). RN Books, London, pp 115-125

Sharma N, Deka B and Sinha A. 2022. Diminishing habitats, vanishing species: Primates of the threatened tropical lowland rainforest fragments in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley, northeastern India. In: Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation (eds DellaSala D and Goldstein M I). Elsevier, Oxford, pp 184-193
Srinivasaiah N M, Vaidyanathan S, Sukumar R and Sinha A. 2022. The rurban elephant: Behavioural ecology of Asian elephants in response to large-scale landuse change in a human-dominated landscape in peri-urban southern India. In: New Forms of Urban Agriculture: An Urban Ecology Perspective (eds Diehl J A and Kaur H). Springer Nature, Singapore, pp 289-310
Turner C, Daboo J, Srinivasan S and Sinha A. 2022. Introduction. In: Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India (eds Turner C, Srinivasan S, Daboo J and Sinha A). Routledge, London, pp 1-13
Natarajan S and Sinha A. 2022. Primate performances in a contact zone: Interspecies communication and benefaction in a synurbising forest of southern India. In: Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India (eds Turner C, Srinivasan S, Daboo J and Sinha A). Routledge, London, pp 191-211
Vijayakrishnan S and Sinha A. 2022. Musings from the Vrishchikotsavam of Tripunithura: The uncertain future of the performing temple elephants of Kerala. In: Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India (eds Turner C, Srinivasan S, Daboo J and Sinha A). Routledge, London, pp 179-190
Sinha, A. 2022. The day of the macaque. In: At the Feet of Living Things: Twenty-Five Years of Learning and Working to Conserve Wild Species and Landscapes in India (eds Datta A, Arthur R and Shankar Raman T R). HarperCollins Publishing India, Noida, India, pp 95-117
Banerjee S and Sinha A. 2023. Reading the elephant: Towards affectual conceptualisations of the wild Asian elephant. In: Ecological Entanglements: Affect, Embodiment and Ethics of Care (eds Aiyadurai A, Chattopadhyay A and Choksi N). Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad, India, pp 73-87
Ramakrishna I, Kumar A, Barua M and Sinha A. 2023. Ethos, pathos, logos: Affective and emotive ethnographies of human–macaque lifeworlds. In: Ecological Entanglements: Affect, Embodiment and Ethics of Care (eds Aiyadurai A, Chattopadhyay A and Choksi N). Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad, India, pp 15-40
Banerjee S and Sinha A. 2023. Political and affective ecologies of human–elephant relations: A gendered perspective. In: Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (eds Láine N, Rahmat K and Kiel P). IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp 29-47
Menon S M and Sinha A. 2023. Tusks of wisdom: The elephant in the Buddhist art of Kanaganahalli. In: Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (eds Láine N, Rahmat K and Kiel P). IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp 123-135
Srinivasaiah N M and Sinha A. 2023. The outliers: An interplay of space, knowledge, and capabilities in defining human–elephant relations in rurban southern India. In: Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (eds Láine N, Rahmat K and Kiel P). IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp 67-81
Vijayakrishnan S and Sinha A. 2023. Nāgādhyakshaçaritha: Elephant–mahout relationships in two communities of southern India. In: Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (eds Láine N, Rahmat K and Kiel P). IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp 197-212
Sinha A and Banerjee S. 2023. Engendered primatology: Of female primates and feminist primatologists. In: Gender and Animals in History, Yearbook of Women’s History 42 (Ed. Swart S), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp 137-156
Sinha A and Barua M. Being macaque: Nonhuman ethnographies of urban India. In: Posthumanism and India: A Critical Cartography (Eds. Banerji D, Islam M M and Sengupta S). Bloomsbury India, New Delhi, in press

Awards / Memberships

Awards and Fellowships

National Prize, Secondary School Examinations, Government of India, 1977
National Talent Scholarship, NCERT, Government of India, 1977 1985
National Prize, BSc, Government of India, 1982
University Prize for First Rank in Botany, BSc, University of Calcutta, India, 1982
J Sen Memorial Silver Medal, Botanical Society of Bengal, Kolkata, India, 1982
J C Nag Memorial Medal, Presidency College, Kolkata, India, 1982
University Prize for First Rank in Botany, MSc, University of Calcutta, India, 1984
Hiranath Commemoration Gold Medal, Botanical Society of Bengal, Kolkata, India, 1985
Research Fellowship, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 1985-1990
Visiting Fellowship, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India, 1993-1996
Plaque of Appreciation of the International Biology Olympiad, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
Homi Bhabha Fellowship, Mumbai, India, 2018-2020

IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland; March 2009 onwards
Association for Teachers in the Biological Sciences, Mumbai; May 2009 onwards
Conservation Committee, International Primatological Society; January 2019 onwards
Subsection on Urban Primates, IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group – Section on Human-Primate Interactions, Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland; July 2020 onwards
Subsection on Primates in Human Culture, IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group – Section on Human–Primate Interactions, Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland; July 2020 onwards
Governing Board, Institute of Public Health, Bangalore; July 2021 onwards
Governing Board, The Lion-Tailed Macaque Project, Odense, Denmark; November 2021 onwards
Combined Undergraduate and Postgraduate Board of Studies for Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton University, Guwahati; March 2022 onwards
The Coexistence Consortium, Bangalore; October 2022 onwards