Associate Professor

Dr. Chetan HC
An ecologist who enjoys using an interdisciplinary approach to explore and address challenges posed by natural resource utilization, ecosystem restoration, and biodiversity conservation

An ecologist who enjoys using an interdisciplinary approach to explore and address challenges posed by natural resource utilization, ecosystem restoration, and biodiversity conservation, Chetan was previously a Teacher Educator at Azim Premji Foundation and University. He completed his Ph.D., from Manipal University, Before his Ph.D., he has worked on several ecological projects of plant-animal interaction viz. seed dispersal, seed predation, pollination-biology, floral-phenology, human-wildlife conflicts using a camera trapping. He is Masters’ from Bangalore University and undergraduate studies from Kuvempu University.

Ongoing Projects / Research

  • Facilitating BMCs in Education, Awareness, and Skill Development and preparation of People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) by them funded by Haryana State Biodiversity Board
  • People Biodiversity Registry – documentation, and awareness- Funded by Manipur State Biodiversity Board, Manipur.
  • Documentation of Textual Literature on Ecology & Biodiversity of Chhattisgarh State, Funded by Chhattisgarh State Biodiversity Board.
  • Assessment of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant species (including collection, usage, demand, markets, price trends & life cycle) focusing on landscapes in Sikkim, with special reference to RETs funded by UNDP, New Delhi.

Teaching Activities


  • Principle of Ecology
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Environment and Society
  • Environmental Education  

Open Elective Offered:

Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change (know more)

Outreach Activities


  • Principle of Ecology
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Environment and Society
  • Environmental Education  

Selected Publications

• Veena R, Raveendra Hegde, Chetan H. C, S. N. Megeri and Mohammed Mudassar Chanda.2024. Spatial Mapping of Foot and Mouth Disease Serotypes in Karnataka using Geographical information System (GIS). Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 15: 02; pp 357–361.
• Chetan HC, Ravi Ramalingam and P. Samartha. 2023. Restoration of degraded forests the only way to curb monkey menace in Karnataka and to tackle the outbreaks of monkey fever in humans. Down To Earth 01 May 2023
• Adhya T., Dey P., Nanda S., Nayak A., Gowda S. & Chetan H. C. 2023. Distribution of the fishing cat in Chilika, a Ramsar site located in the Indian eastern coast. Cat News 78, 13–16
• Devasigamani, L., Devarajan, R., Loganathan, R., Rafath, H., Padman, M., Raju, G., Giridhar, L., Chetan, H.C. and Kuppan, N.K., 2020. Lavandula angustifolia L. plants regeneration from in vitro leaf explants-derived callus as conservation strategy. Biotecnología Vegetal, 20(2), pp.75-82.
• Chetan, H. C., R. Ganesan, and T. Ganesh.2020. Seed and seedling establishment in abandoned tea plantations role of ecological and edaphic factors, southern Western Ghats, India. Tropical Ecology. 1-15.
• Chetan H.C 2019. Ecological restoration of abandoned tea plantations: Challenges and Prospects in Southern India. Educreation Publishing 144 pp

(Name has been changed since 2014 onwards from Chetana HC to Chetan HC)

• Chetana, H. C & T. Ganesh. 2013. Reconciling natural history and species ecology: Myristica beddomei (Myristicaceae) in the Western Ghats of India. Tropical conservation science 6 (5): 663-673.
• Chetana, H. C & T. Ganesh. 2012. Importance of shade trees (Grevillea robusta) in the dispersal of forest tree species in managed tea plantations of the southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology 28:187-197.
• Chetana, H. C, Siddartha Krishnan & T. Ganesh. 2012. Biodiversity regain in abandoned tea plantations. Current Science 102:8 1089-1090.
• Chetana, H. C & T. Ganesh. 2007. Survey and activity patterns of nocturnal mammals in a fragmented dry deciduous forest of Karnataka. Zoo print journal. 22: 2644-2647.

Awards / Memberships

World Agroforestry