Associate Professor

Dr. CN Vishnuprasad
Dr. Vishnuprasad, at TDU since 2014, specializes in Ayurveda-Biology, integrating modern biology to study glucose metabolism, diabetes, and obesity.

Dr. Vishnuprasad joined TDU in June 2014. He has a keen interest in transdisciplinary research and education in the area of ‘Ayurveda-Biology’ and Integrative medicines for human health and wellness. Vishnu’s professional qualifications include degrees in Microbiology (BSc) and Biotechnology (MSc) with a PhD in the area of cell biology and phytochemistry. He has several years of research and teaching experience at various institutes and Universities in India and South Korea. Vishnu is currently leading a team focusing on creating transdisciplinary knowledge framework between Ayurveda and Modern biology for delineating the complex biology of glucose metabolism with special focus on diabetes and obesity.

Professional Expereince

Our Research

Team/Lab Members

Doctoral Students - Ongoing

Doctoral Students - Completed

Research Fellows

On-Going Projects

  • Evaluation of the mode of action of four Ayurvedic anti-diabetic formulations on gastrointestinal mediated whole body glucose homeostasis (JM Financials)

Completed Projects

  • Studies on the effect of Rasayana Therapy for diabetes mellitus - Scientific validation, Chemoprospection and elucidation of functional mechanism of anti-diabetic Rasayana medicines prescribed in Ayurveda (DST-SERB)
  • Research and Development of an Ayurvedic Fumigation Product to Improve Indoor Air Quality (TDU)
  • Functional molecules from honey for the management of diabetes and obesity (Dabur)

Key Research Areas  

An ‘Ayurveda-Biology’ platform for Integrative Diabetes Management.

The team envisage that effective merger of both holistic and reductionist views of biology is imperative in contemporary health and disease management, particularly in the management of chronic lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD). Holistic philosophy of science recognizes health or disease as a collective expression of several biochemical and physiological events in the body, whereas reductionism deconstructs them into more tractable cellular and molecular components. Both these perspectives are equally important for comprehensively understanding the biological changes happening in health and disease. This is the context where integrative medicine or medical pluralism becomes relevant. Creating a trans-disciplinary knowledge framework between Ayurveda and modern biomedicine could be the paradigm shift in the global healthcare sector to fulfil the contemporary healthcare demands.

Gut-centric approach for diabetes management

Gut is the first anatomic site that interfaces the ingested food and body’s metabolic homeostasis. The versatile role of gut makes it an important target for designing innovative holistic strategies for management of metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. The entire gut centred events of postprandial glucose metabolism can be collectively referred as Gastro-Intestinal mediated Glucose Disposal (GIGD).

Remarkably, Ayurveda also follows a gut centric view to explain the manifestations and management of metabolic diseases like diabetes and it is perfectly overlapping with the GIGD concepts in modern biomedicine. A deeper understanding of gut mediated glucose homeostasis from the parallels drawn between the Ayurveda and biomedicine can provide valuable holistic strategies ultimately resulting in better long-term containment of diabetic morbidities. Our team use clinically proven classical Ayurveda formulations as tools to explore how gut hormones and enzymes modulate glucose homeostasis. The team uses various cell models like enteroendocrine cells, pancreatic beta-cells, adipocytes etc. as models to study different biochemical events involved in glucose metabolism. Preliminary in vitro studies demonstrate the potential for Ayurveda therapeutics to modulate the postprandial glucose disposal in a gut centric fashion. Further mechanistic insights and whole organism studies will advance our understanding of the biological underpinnings of metabolic diseases.

In-silico approaches to delineate the mode of action Ayurveda formulations.

Frontiers of disease biology started recognizing the importance of systems and network medicine approach for managing chronic disease like diabetes and started redefining the ‘one disease-one target-one drug’ dogma prevalent in current biology. Emerging insights into the mechanism of action of polyherbal formulations also suggests the possibility that they exert their overall biological effects through a multitargeted and multi-pathway crosstalk. The team collaborates with computational biology experts to delineate the network pharmacology mode of action of Ayurveda formulations in the context of metabolic diseases like diabetes, obesity and NAFLD.

Delineating the mechanism of hepato-protective action of Ayurveda formulations in modulating lipid metabolism and inflammation models of NAFLD

NAFLD is one of the major contributors of liver disease worldwide, affecting both adults and children, and is emerging as one of the leading causes of end-stage liver disease. The major gap in the clinical management of NAFLD is the lack of successful strategies that can address its early diagnosis, complex and multifactorial etiology, systemic pathophysiology and co-morbidities. Since, there are no specific pharmacological interventions for NAFLD with proven efficacy, treatment strategies largely focus on addressing the predisposing conditions like diabetes, fat disorders and obesity. The need of the hour is an innovative strategy that can restore both metabolic homeostasis and liver functions. We hypothesizes that the holistic disease management principles of Ayurveda could potentially address this complex multifactorial etiopathology of NAFLD and can provide systemic management strategies.

Research approach for Ayurvedic Fumigation: A potential drug delivery strategy.

Fumigation is a well-known method of sterilization, wherein fumes produced from a fumigant are used to annihilate harmful micro and macro-organisms in a particular area. The traditional Indian medical practices, particularly Ayurveda, make use of fumigation as one of the drug administration strategies for preventive and curative therapy. Fumigation is described in Ayurveda as Dhoopana (Dhoopa = fumes; Dhoopana = fumigation) or Dhumapana (Dhuma = fume; Dhumapana = inhalation of fume). Besides its use as a sterilization technique, Ayurveda use fumigation as a drug delivery system. The drug delivery through inhalation routes has several advantages including ease of drug administration, higher bioavailability and high potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier. The team is interested in scientifically studying the concept of fumigation in Ayurveda, and understands and validates the efficacy of Ayurvedic fumigation using modern scientific tools.

Research Collaborators outside TDU

  • Suma Mohan S. Ph.D., Assistant Professor-Research, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, 613401 Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Dr. Jaleel UC, Open Source Pharma.

Teaching Activities

Program coordinator - M.Sc Life Science (Ayurveda Biology)

Teaching Couses

  • Cell Biology and Cell Signaling
  • Integrative Immunology (Theory and Practicals)
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Lab)

Course Coordinator

  • Transdisciplinarity and Collective Knowledge Framework
  • Philosophy of Knowledge

Selected Publications

Bhavya Vijay, Batul Diwan, Poornima Devkumar, Prasan Shankar, CN Vishnuprasad, Gurmeet Singh, Deepshikha Kataria, Darshan Shankar (2023). Nasal application of sesame oil-based Anu taila as ‘biological mask’ for respiratory health during COVID-19, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 14 (5), 100773, ISSN 0975-9476,

Sania Kouser, Pranav Girish Banvi, Soumya Garawadmath, Subrahmanya Kumar, Chethala N Vishnuprasad (2023). Multicomponent Ayurveda formulation Lodhrasavam ameliorates steatosis and lipotoxicity in HepG2 cell model of NAFLD. bioRxiv (preprint); doi:

Jaleel UCA, CN Vishnuprasad, S Sathish, T Anjana, K R Jinu Raj, Kukkupuni Subrahmanya Kumar, Kulkarni Prasanna, M Rakhila, Safeeda Ayisha, Manuel Andrew Titus, EPA Sandesh (2023) Artificial Neural Network Based Self Organizing Maps Analysis for Clinical Trials of Indian Systems of Medicine. Preprint: SSRN: /

Shafi, K.M., Sajeevan, R.S., Kouser, CN Vishnuprasad* and R Sowdhamini* (2022). Transcriptome profiling of two Moringa species and insights into their antihyperglycemic activity. BMC Plant Biol 22, 561.

Anjana Thottappillil, Sthitaprajna Sahoo, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Sania Kouser, R. Vidhya Ravi, Soumya Garawadmath, Pranav Girish Banvi, Subrahmanya Kumar Kukkupuni, Suma Mohan, CN Vishnuprasad (2022). In vitro and in silico analysis proving DPP4 inhibition and diabetes associated gene network modulation by a polyherbal formulation – Nisakathakadi Kashaya. bioRxiv 2022.07.15.500175; doi:

Bhavya Vijay, Gurmeet Singh, CN Vishnuprasad, Ashwini Godbole, Subrahmanya Kumar Kukkupuni, Megha, Prasan Shankar, Poornima Devkumar and Darshan Shankar (2022). Breaking silos: can the emerging field of Ayurvedic biology contribute to the advancement of Indian health science. Current Science, 122, 251-257.

SK Kukkupuni, S Chawla, CN Vishnuprasad (2022). Ayurvedic digestion recipes—Jal Jeera and Churan. Nutrition and Functional Foods in Boosting Digestion, Metabolism and Immune Health. 219-233.

Thottapillil, A., Kouser, S., Kukkupuni, S. K., Vishnuprasad, CN* (2021). An “Ayurveda-Biology” platform for Integrative Diabetes Management. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 113575. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2020.113575.

Nutan Sham Nabar, Rama Ashok Vaidya, Vishnuprasad CN, Shobha R Iyer, Chhaya S Godse, Ashok J Amonkar, Ashok DB Vaidya (2021). Enicostema axillare subsp. littorale (Blume) A. Raynal for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: An overview. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 9, 279-290.

Das, G., Shin, H.-S., Kumar, A., Vishnuprasad, CN, Kumar Patra, J. (2021). Photo-mediated optimized synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the extracts of outer shell fibre of Cocos nucifera L. fruit and detection of its antioxidant, cytotoxicity and antibacterial potential. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.11.022.

Bala Balasubramani., Varghese, Vishnuprasad CN, Padma Venkat (2020). Pomegranate Juice Enhances Iron Dialysability and Assimilation in In-Vitro Cell Free and Cell-Based Models. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 10.1007/s11130-020-00815-1.

Nutan Nabar, Vaidya RA, Vishnuprasad CN, Raut AA, Vaidya ADB. (2020). Ayurvedic Dravyaguna (Pharmacological) Correlates With Biological Plausibility for Antidiabetic Activity of Eujenia Jambolana Linn. The Indian Practitioner, 73, 26-31.

Vishnuprasad CN (2018). Scope of Ayurveda Biology in the future of integrative healthcare for global wellness. Ancient Sci Life; 38.

Patra JK, Das G, Bose S, Banerjee S, Vishnuprasad CN, Rodriguez-Torres MP, Shin HS (2020). Star anise (Illicium verum): Chemical compounds, antiviral properties and clinical relevance. Phytother. Res. 1-20.

Das G, Patra JK, Basavegowda N, Vishnuprasad CN, Shin HS (2019). Comparative study on antidiabetic, cytotoxicity, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles using outer peels of two varieties of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Int J Nanomedicine. 14: 4741-4754.

Vaidya VN, Tatiya AU, Elango A, Kukkupuni SK, Vishnuprasad CN* (2018). Need for comprehensive standardization strategies for marketed Ayurveda formulations. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 9(4):312-315.

Butala MA, Kukkupuni SK, Padma Venkat, Vishnuprasad CN* (2018). An Ayurvedic anti-diabetic formulation made from Curcuma longa L. and Emblica officinalis L. inhibits alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and starch digestion, in-vitro. Starch - Stärke, 70: 1700182. doi:10.1002/star.201700182.

Patra, JK, Vishnuprasad CN, Das G. (Eds.) (2017). Microbial Biotechnology: Volume 1. Applications In Agriculture And Environment. Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-981-10-6846-1. (Edited Volume).

Butala MA, Kukkupuni SK, Vishnuprasad CN* (2017). Ayurvedic anti-diabetic formulation Lodhrasavam inhibits alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and suppresses adipogenic activity in vitro. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 8: 145-151.

Vishnuprasad CN* (2016). “Microbial infections and human health: What Ayurveda can offer? Microbial advances in Agriculture and Human Health, Apple Academic Press, Inc., (a Taylor & Francis Group), Canada. pp331-357. (Invited Chapter).

Vishnuprasad CN*, Unnikkannan CP (2017). Bioprospecting Traditional Medicines. Bioresources and Bioprocess in Biotechnology. Exploring potential Biomolecules, Volume-1 Status and Strategies,. Springer, pp375-395. (Invited Chapter).

Vishnuprasad CN* (2015) Dravyagunasatasloki of Trimallabhatta (Book Review). J Ayurveda Integr Med. 6: 64-66.

Vishnuprasad CN, Tomoko Tsuchiya, Shiro Kanegasaki, Joon Ho Kim and Sung Soo Han (2014) Aurantio-obtusin stimulates chemotactic migration and differentiation of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells. Planta Med. 80: 544-549.

Vishnuprasad CN, Pradeep NS, Yong Woo Cho, Gangadharan GG, Sung Soo Han (2013). Fumigation in Ayurveda: Potential Strategy for Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery. J. Ethnopharmacol. 149: 409-415.

Ninu Poulose, Vishnuprasad CN, Nidhina Haridas PA, Gopalakrishnapillai A (2011). Ellagic acid stimulates glucose transport in adipocytes and muscles through AMPK mediated pathway. J Diabetes Metab. 2:149. doi:10.4172/2155-6156.1000149.

Vishnuprasad CN, Anjana T, Banerji A, Gopalakrishnapillai A (2010). Gallic acid induces GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake activity in 3T3-L1 cells. FEBS Lett. 584:531-536.

Vishnuprasad CN, Suma Mohan S, Banerji A, Gopalakrishnapillai A (2009). Kaempferitrin inhibits GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 380: 39-43.

Awards / Memberships

Best paper award, World Ayurveda Congress, Goa

Best paper award, ICBH’13 conducted at SASTRA University, Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu (2013).

C.V. Jacob Award for the best original paper presented at 4th Annual conference of Society for Biotechnologists (India) (2007).