Assistant Professor

Dr. Dhatchanamoorthy N
Dr. Dhatchanamoorthy N, Assistant Professor, specializes in Plant Systematics, Nomenclature, and Conservation of Medicinal Plants, with expertise in taxonomy, e-flora, and ecological studies.

I was appointed as Research Associate in CCNR, TDU-FRLHT from July 2014.  For the past seven years I have been actively involved in handling all the research projects effectively with good publications in the journals. So far I have published 46 research articles in Notional and International journals and two book chapters. Apart from these, I have been actively involving in outreach programmes by conducting workshop and training activities on “Plant Systematics” where hands on training given to various research scholars and students on medicinal plant identification, raw drugs, herbarium processing, etc. Apart from these, I have been invited to give lecturers in Colleges and Universities during 2017-2020 in the subject I am specialized. Moreover, I have also provided special lecture on “Plants Systematics” for M. Sc. Conservation Science, TDU, Bangalore.

  1. To take visitors to the garden and explain about the plants and key identification characters.
  2. Authentication of plants for the Researcher, students / scholars.
  3. Be resource in training/ webinar/ symposium/ walk the talk program organized by the herbarium tea.
  4. Active involvement in herbarium training programs to the students who ever they come and participate.

Selected Publications

Published book chapter:
1. Dhatchanamoorthy Narayanasamy and Balachandran Natesan. December 8th 2020. Endemic Vascular Plants from the Coromandel Coast of Tamil Nadu, Southern India. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94333.

Published National and International Journals:
1. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, K. Ravikumar, Sathya Sangeetha and S. Noorunnissa Begum. 2020. New distribution of less known endemic grass Dimeria orissae Bor (Poaceae: Panicoideae) from Karnataka. My Forest ISSN: 2445-7781, 56(4): 75-80.
2. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, M. Anbarashan and N. Balachandran. 2020. New distributional record of the rare endemic variety Indigofera glandulosa Willd. var. sykesii Baker (Fabaceae) from Bandipur National Park, Karnataka, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 42(4) 105-108.
3. Narayanasamy Dhatchanamoorthy, Kaliamoorhty Ravikumar, Kreni Lokho, Arumugame Chanemougame Tangavelou & Syed Noorunnisa Beguma. 2019. Rare and interesting plant of Mahonia imbricata T.S. Ying & Boufford – an addition to India from Manipur State. DOI 10.2478/biorc-2019-0008. Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 54: 7-10.
4. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, S. Raja, M. Anbarashn and K. Ravikumar. 2019. A New Record of Crotalaria wightiana: A Rare Legume of Western Ghats, from Karnataka, India. ISSN No 0019-4816. Indian Forester 146(7): 309-314.
5. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, K. Ravikumar, S. Noorunnisa Begum and Mayur D. Nandikar. 2019. Lectotypification of Dicliptera beddomei (Acanthaceae): A strict endemic species to the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. ISSN: 2287-688X. Annals of Plant Sciences 8.5: pp. 3551-3552.
6. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, K. Ravikumar & S. Noorunnisa Begum. 2017 (Date of Publication: July-2018). Notes on new distribution of two Endemic species of Southern India. ISSN: 0972-4206. Phytotaxonomy Vol. 17: pp 55-57.
7. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, K. Ravikumar and Kreni Lokho. 2018. Additions to the flora of Manipur state, North-Eastern India. © East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy; ISSN: 0973-9467. Pleione 12(1): 132 - 142. doi:10.26679/Pleione.12.1.2018.132-142.
8. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, P. Raja S. Soosairaj and M. Anbarashan. 2018. Crotalaria prostrata var. levis Haines (Leguminosae): a poorly known species rediscovered, redescribed and endemic species from the northern Western Ghats, India. Current Botany 9: 26-27; doi: 10.25081/cb.2018.v9.3586.
9. N. Dhatchanamoorthy, N. Balachandran and K. Ravikumar. 2017. Rediscovery and lectotypification of Lepidagathis diffusa (Acanthaceae), an endemic species from southern India. Rheedea Vol. 27(2); ISSN: 0971-2313.pp96–98
10. P. Raja, S. Soosairaj , N. Dhatchanamoorthy and J. K. Tagore. 2017. Derris gamblei sp. nov. (Fabaceae) from Tamil Nadu, India. ISSN 1756-1051; Nordic Journal of Botany. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi: 10.1111/njb.01393. Impact factor of the Journal 0.921.

Awards / Memberships

1. 2009: Project Fellow, University Grants Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. 2005: Fyson Prize, Presidency College, Chennai.
Award received

1. R. K. KALAI MAMANDRAM Presented “Best Plant Taxonomist Award” on 06th May 2018.

2. DK International Research Foundation Presented “Best Researcher Award” on 27th May 2018.