Associate Professor

Dr. Ganesh Babu N M
Dr. N.M. Ganesh Babu, Associate Professor at Transdisciplinary University, Bengaluru, heads the Centre for Herbal Gardens. He is also the CEO of Imagine Valley Ecoscaping Pvt. Ltd. and holds a PhD in Forest Botany from FRI, Dehradun.

Dr. N.M. Ganesh Babu is heading Centre for Herbal Gardens at Transdisciplinary University/FRLHT, Bengaluru. He is also the CEO, Imagine Valley Ecoscaping Private Limited, Bengaluru. He holds a Doctorate in Forest Botany titled ‘Flora and Ethnobotany of ChitradurgaDistrict, Karnataka, from Forest Research University (FRI), Dehra Dun.

Outreach Activities

  • Created India’s unique EthnoMedicinal Garden with over 1500 species of medicinal plants in Bengaluru.
  • Pioneer in landscaping with native medicinal plants.
  • Conducted many botanical surveys in various states across India; identified several species of medicinal plants and documented ethnobotanical information.
  • Standardised propagation protocols and nursery techniques for more than 600 wild species.

Awards / Memberships

• Member of Experts Committee constituted by The Honourable High Court of Madras for eliminating invasive species and restoration of native ecosystem in the State of Tamil Nadu.
• Member of Experts Committee constituted by the State Horticulture Department, Govt. of Karnataka for the development of Nandi Hills, Kolar district.

• Awarded ‘Schlich Prize’ 2005 for the best scientific article in India ‘Sustainable harvest of medicinal plants - an initiative in Southern India’ published in the journal Indian Forester.
• Receiver of the Award Hall of Fame as READER OF PLANTS for the year 2017 by the Civil Society Magazine for the work dedicated to Medicinal/Native plants.