Assistant Professor

Dr. Girish Kumar
Dr. Girish Kumar, Assistant Professor, specializes in Ayurveda for musculoskeletal, digestive, and respiratory disorders. An international trainer, he develops innovative programs and leads projects in Panchakarma therapy and healthcare training.
  • As a Clinician, he has Expertise in treating various health conditions using holistic approach of Ayurveda like Musculo-skeletal disorders (joint pains, sciatica, etc), Haemorrhoids (piles), Gastritis (Ulcers), Respiratory problems (Wheezing, sinusitis, etc), diabetes and hypertension.
  • As a Academician, he has Expertise in
  • developing Innovative educational
  • programs in the area of Ayurveda and
  • Traditional medicine for laymen, college
  • students, medical professions across the
  • globe.
  • As a International trainer, He has been
  • visiting multiple continents to teach
  • Ayurveda. He has delivered classes and talks
  • in Bolivia, Chile, Bulgaria, Singapore,
  • Thailand, Srilankha and other countries
  • Currently coordinating projects on
  • training of Paramedical staff in the skills of
  • Panchakarma therapy and General Duty
  • Assistant programs

Ongoing Projects / Research

Project on “Training Youth of Odisha in Panchakarma Therapy & Yoga Basics”, sponsored by Odisha Skill Development Authority, Government of Odisha

Project on “Training Unemployed youth across the country in General Duty Assistant Job role”, sponsored by TDU-BOSCH CSR Grant

Project on “Training Unemployed youth in Panchakarma Therapy & Yoga Basics”, sponsored by TDU-BOSCH CSR Grant

Selected Publications

V. Girishkumar, M. Sreepriya, S. Praveenkumar, Geetha Bali, M.S. Jagadeesh, ‘Modulating effect of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz) Wight & arn against chromate (VI)-induced immunosuppression and oxidative stress on mouse splenic lymphocytes and bone marrow derived macrophages’, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 131 (2010) 505–508;

Kumar Seethakempanahalli Kempanna, Balakrishna Nair Mannoor Narayanan, Natesan Punniamurthy, Girish Kumar Venkateshappa, ‘Ayurveda Understanding of Mastitis in Diary Animals’, J Ayu Med Sci, 2018; Apr-Jun 3(2): 349-52

Awards / Memberships


Domain expert for Curriculum development for Ayurveda Education
Resource person for Teaching in Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Dravyaguna & Bhaishjyakalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics), Ayurvedic Nutrition principles; Panchakarma;
Developed curriculum for more than 17 courses on Ayurveda & traditional health sciences
Attended 8 international and 10 National conferences
Has publications made in peer reviewed Journals & articles on Health concepts being published regularly in Amruth heritage – bimonthly magazine.