
Dr. Ravi Kumar K
94481 05455
Dr. Ravi Kumar K, Emeritus Professor at TDU, has 38 years of research expertise in Angiosperm Taxonomy, Marine Angiosperms, Medicinal Plants, Pollination Ecology, Reproductive Biology, Conservation, and Ethnobotany.

Research experienceHaving a total of 39 years of research experience in the field of Angiosperm Taxonomy including Marine Angiosperm, Medicinal Plants, Pollination Ecology, Reproductive Biology, Plant Conservation and Ethno-botany.Research Guiding Experience Research Supervisor for 5 Ph. D. theses; Co-supervisor for 1 Ph. D. thesis. Presently guiding 2 Ph.D. students.Salient Scientific Accomplishments• Described more than twenty new taxa for science from India. • A recognized expert on Marine Angiosperms (Sea grasses) of India.• An expert in the Threat Assessment of Medicinal Plants of India acted as a resource person in 18 CAMP Workshops in 18 States of India.• Publication of a field guide on 100 Red Listed Medicinal Plants of southern India and a Compendium of Traded Indian Medicinal Plants.• Ethnobotanical surveys in pan-Indian states.• Surveyed almost all Phyto-geographical zones of the country for medicinal plants (around 30 thousand voucher collection) and Raw Drugs (about 2500 plant sample) collection and are deposited in MH and FRLH.• Delivered several lectures to different cross section of the society ranging from gross root level local communities to senior forest managers, school children to University students on the importance, management, conservation of medicinal plant resources of India.• Expert in identifying all plant raw drugs that are traded in India with curated database of Indian raw drug and live plant photos.• One of the experts in recommending native medicinal plants for plantation, garden and avenue planting.• Expert in medicinal plants used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and traditional folk systems of medicine.• Conducted medicinal plant walks in several campuses.• Managed the only Indian medicinal plants herbarium having collection of 50,000 specimens and 3000 raw drug samples, sponsored by Government of India and Climate Change as the National Herbarium.• Having good knowledge in collection of raw drugs and herbarium specimens across India.• Worked on Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Greening Project (JAICA) on Hosur, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Kanyakumari, Tiruvannamalai and Thoothukudi District vegetation surveys.• Worked on Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary on the invasive species of Shola forest, sponsored by the Tamil Nadu Forest Department.Honour/Membership• Recipient of Schlich Prize for the year 2005 for best research paper in forestry by The Indian Forester.• Life member and Nominated Member, Editorial Board, Phytotaxonomy, National Botanic Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow for the period 2006 to 08. • Life Member and served as one of the Editorial Board Members, Amruth published by Medicinal Plant Conservation Society, Bangalore, since 2008. • Subject Editor for the Journal of Threatened Taxa, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, since 2009.• Subject Editor for the Indian Journal of Forestry• Subject Editor for the Journal of Rheedea, Calicut, Kerala 2010.• Life member in Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT), Calicut, Kerala. • Life member in the East Himalayan Society for Spermatophyte Taxonomy (EHHST), Siliguri, West Bengal and Subject Editor for the Journal Pleione.• Subject Editor for the Journal of Ethnobotany and Taxonomic Botany, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. • IUCN SSC Medicinal Plant Specialist Group member during 2017-2020.Environmental Impact Assessment Work1. Represented the Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore to survey and assess the flora near Chathirapatti, foothill of Alagar Koil, Madurai to establish a mini hydroelectric project Tamil Nadu Electricity Board on February 12, 1991.2. Consultant to Dr. P.K.K. Nair, Director, Environmental Resources Research Centre, Thiruvananthapuram from December 1993 to March 1994 to survey and assess the status of flora in and around Aliyar Submergible area, near Pollachi, Coimbatore District in order to establish a minor hydro-electric project by Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. 3. Worked as a consultant to Dr. P.K.K. Nair, Director, ERRC, from March to August 1995 to assess the environmental impact and the status of rare, endemic and endangered plants in and around Mahendragiri Hills (Madhu Malai), Kanniyakumari district, Tamil Nadu State. Botanical explorations conducted in the area resulted in the finding of 70 rare, endemic and endangered plant categories thus the permission for installing a major hydroelectric scheme was not given. Annexure -4 Books published (08)1. Ramamurthy, K., N.P. Balakrishnan, K. Ravikumar and R. Ganesan. Seagrasses of Coromandel Coast, India. Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore, 1992.2. Ravikumar, K and D.K. Ved (Eds.) Assisted by R. Vijaya Sankar and P.S. Udayan. An Illustrated Field Guide to 100 Red Listed Medicinal Plants of Conservation Concern in southern India. Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore, December 2000.3. Ravikumar, K., R. Vijaya Sankar, R. Murugan, G. S. Goraya and S. Noorunnisa Begum. Photo Guide to Selected Medicinal Plants of Karnataka. Foundation for Revitalization of Local health Traditions (FRLHT), Bangalore, 2009.4. Vijaya Sankar, R., K. Ravikumar and P. Ravichandran. Plant resources of Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu, India. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. 2012. 5. Krishnamurthy, K. V., R. Murugan and K. Ravikumar. Bioresources of the Eastern Ghats, their Conservation and Management. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. 2013.6. Ravikumar, K., S. Noorunnisa Begum, D.K. Ved, J. R. Bhatt and G.S. Goraya. Compendium of Traded Indian Medicinal Plants. Ministry of Environment of Forest, Government of India, New Delhi and Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore. 2018. 7. Ravikumar, K., Tangavelou, A.C. and Page, N. Seed Plants of Karnataka, India: A Concise Dictionary. National Biodiversity Authority. October 2021.8. Sumanth, M.V., Ravikumar, K. and Ravichandran, P. Agnimantha and Patala: Important Dasamula Group of Plants in India. IIP, Chikamagaluru. April 2022.