Assistant Professor

Dr. Tabassum Ishrath Fathima
Dr. Tabassum has been associated with the CTKDS&I since 2003 and has been working on deepening of Indian’s comprehensive Medicinal Plant database supported by MOEFCC & NMPB.

Dr. Tabassum has been associated with the CTKDS&I since 2003 and has been working on deepening of Indian’s comprehensive Medicinal Plant database supported by MOEFCC & NMPB. She is also involved in developing various educational CD’s on Medicinal plants for BAMS, BSMS, BUMS and BHMS students, based on the curriculum given by Rajiv Gandhi University of health science.

Research Interest:

  • As I have experience of working on climate change vulnerability study on high altitude Medicinal Plants of shola forest of Nilgiris, Western Ghats, both real time filed work along with that using geospatial application it was very interesting and learning phase to use advance Remote sensing and GIS techninque in mapping. I would use my best of my knowledge to further do research in climate change studies and understand further how this modelling can further utilized and in real time scenario and get involved in more and more climate related research help the communities, policy makers and stake holder.
  • To Understand the dynamics of Indian medicinal plants in trade
  • In-silico Platform for Medicinal plants based drug discovery using Network Pharmacology & Ayurveda database to study the Complexity of Ayurvedic drug action and work on data analytics.

Ongoing Projects / Research

Worked on preparing a comprehensive policy study & formulating policy- “Legal Regime to protect Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal plants” with support from TERI, DELHI

Developed an Inventory of Medicinal and Aromatic plants for 8 different Indian states (West Bengal, Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Orissa, Mizoram, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan) for Biodiversity and conservation, project support by UNDP and State Medicinal Plant board.

To study the Complexity of Ayurvedic drug action currently doing a research on In-silico Platform for Medicinal plants based drug discovery using Network Pharmacology & Ayurveda database

Currently working on Traded medicinal Plant database, with high volume traded species, Endemics, RET species in trade – Trade analytics

Teaching Activities

Involved in various training programmes like COP 11, ICIMOD, ROTP workshops, Community to community international exchange programme, foreign students training programmes, school programmes, other training programmes for foresters, college students both UG and PG etc

Teaching experience w.r.t Climate change for PG and UG students  at TDU

Paper presentation:

Paper presentation entitled “Protection of Traditional Knowledge in India” held during 9th -12th August 2012 at IIT, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Poster presentations:

Tropical Ecology Congress 2014 held JNU, session Ecology of Eastern Himalayas and Northeastern India New Delhi, December 10-12, 2014 “Interactive Database: An Effective Tool for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation: A Case Study of Arunachal Pradesh”

Tabassum I.F., Nair.S.N.V., and Somashekar.R.K., 2017. Traditional Knowledge in policy and practice: An Approach to development and human well-being, International conference of Science and Technology for Management of Emerging Environmental Issues, January 7th, ISBN 978-81-921562-3.1

Tabassum I.F., Ahamed.A.J., Somashekar R.K. and Ved D.K., 2016. MODIS EVI based study on Phenology of Mountain Ecosystem in the Nilgiris Region of Tamil Nadu, ISRS -ISG National Symposium on Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS with specialEmpahsis on Mountain Ecosystem, December 7-9, Deharadun, Abstract ID- 0226, Pg287

Selected Publications

Venugopalan Nair S.N., D. K. Ved, K. Ravikumar, I. F. Tabassum al. (2020) Indian Medicinal Plants Database (IMPLAD) and Threatened Medicinal Plants of India. In: Rajasekharan P., Wani S. (eds) Conservation and Utilization of Threatened Medicinal Plants. Springer, Cham.

Venugopalan Nair S.N., Shilpa N., Vargheese T., Tabassum I.F. (2019) Neem: Traditional Knowledge from Ayurveda. In: Gowda M., Sheetal A., Kole C. (eds) The Neem Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham

Tabassum I.F., Somashekar, R.K.,& Ahmed. M.J., 2019. Projecting Climate variability in the purview of future climate projections for shola forest of Nilgiris, Western Ghat in South India, International Journal of Advance Research (IJAR), 7(1), 876-883, ISSN: 2320-5407

Tabassum I.F., Somashekar, R.K.,& Ahmed. M.J., 2018, Long term MODIS based NDVI and LST Trends of Nilgiris biosphere, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6(7), 919-932

Tabassum I.F., Udayan PS, Somashekar RK, Ved DK, Mohammed AJ.,2018. Prioritization of medicinal plants in sholas of Western Ghats: A case study. Acad. J. Med. Plants 6(1): 006-010, ISSN: 2315-7720, DOI: 10.15413/ajmp.2017.0245

Tabassum I.F., Nair.S.N.V., and Somashekar.R.K., 2017. Traditional Knowledge in policy and practice: An Approach to development and human well-being, International conference of Science and Technology for Management of Emerging Environmental Issues, January 7th, ISBN 978-81-921562-3.1

Tabassum I.F., Nair.S.N.V., Ved.D.K., and R.K.Somashekar.R.K., 2015. Interactive Database: An Effective Tool for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation: A Case Study of Arunachal Pradesh, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Vol 4, Issue 9, September, ISSN (online): 2319-7064