Associate Professor

Dr. Tarsh Thekaekara
Dr. Tarsh Thekaekara, Associate Professor, researches human-inclusive conservation, human-elephant interactions, and community-based Lantana management in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.

A researcher-conservationist interested in more human inclusive models of nature conservation. I co-founded The Shola Trust in 2008, The Real Elephant Collective (a social enterprise) in 2015. I completed by MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford, and my PhD on human-elephant Interactions at the British Open University, where I also a visiting fellow.

Ongoing Projects / Research

“Community Based Lantana Removal and Restoration” from the Rufford Foundation.

“Scalable, ecologically-appropriate, Lantana removal and restoration” from the Rainmatter Foundation, through The Shola Trust.

Teaching Activities

Outreach Activities

A range of activities around the Lantana elephants, a few articles being:

My area of research and intervention include work on Lantana camara, primarily looking at how communities can use the invasive plant in various ways. I am also particularly interested in how people and elephants share space, and finding ways to minimise negative interactions. Most of my work is in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (across Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka), but I'm also keen on promoting human-wildlife coexistence at more national and global scales.

Selected Publications

Khan, A., Sil, M., Thekaekara, T., Sinha, I., Khurana, R., Sukumar, R., & Ramakrishnan, U. (2023). Serial dilution shapes genetic variation and defines conservation units in Asian elephants. In Review. bioRxiv 2023.09.04.556173; doi:
Thekaekara, T., Bhagwat, S. A., & Thornton, T. F. (2021). “Coexistence and Culture: Understanding Human Diversity and Tolerance in Human-Elephant Interactions”. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2:77.
Thatte, P., Tyagi, A., Neelakantan, A., Natesh, M., Sen, M., & Thekaekara, T. (2021). “Trends in Wildlife Connectivity Science from the Biodiverse and Human-Dominated South Asia”. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 101(2), 177-193
Babu, Satish, and Tarsh Thekaekara (2013) “A crowd-sourced approach for monitoring Asian elephants outside protected areas”. In Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2013 IEEE, pp. 376-379. IEEE.
Bhagwat SA, Breman E, Thekaekara T, Thornton TF, Willis KJ (2012) “A Battle Lost? Report on Two Centuries of Invasion and Management of Lantana camara L. in Australia, India and South Africa”. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32407.
Thekaekara, Tarsh, Abi Tamim Vanak, Ankila J Hiremath, Jayashree Ratnam, Nitin D. Rai, and Raman Sukumar. 2017. “Notes from the Other Side of a Forest Fire”. Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 52 (Issue No. 25-26).
Thekaekara T, (2010) “Conservation in Mudumalai: Another Politics”. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol xlv No 36.

Book Chapters/Others:
Thekaekara, T (2018). “Thinking like an Elephant, Looking beyond Protected Areas”. In Conservation and Development in India: Reimagining Wilderness, Shonil Bhagwat (ed), 83–108. Routledge.
Thekaekara, Tarsh and Thomas Thornton (2016) “Ethnic Diversity and Human-Elephant Conflict in South India”. In Locke, Piers and Buckingham, Jane (eds.) Conflict, Negotiation and Coexistence: Rethinking Human-Elephant Relations in South Asia. Oxford University Press.
Thekaekara, Tarsh (2015) “Human-Elephant Tolerance”. In Puyravaud, J-P and Davidar, P (Eds). Giant Hearts: Travels in the World of Elephants. Rupa Publications.
Thekaekara, T., Vasanth, N. and Thornton, T.F. (2013) “Diversity as a Livelihood Strategy Near Mudumalai, Tamil Nadu: An Inquiry”. In, Purushothaman, S. and Abraham, R. (eds.) Livelihood Strategies in Southern India: Conservation and Poverty Reduction in the Forest Fringes. Springer.
Johnsingh, AJT, R Raghunath, and Tarsh Thekaekara. 2010. “The Mukurthy-Mudumalai Large Mammal Corridor”. Sanctuary Asia, 72–73.

Awards / Memberships

• Member of The State Board for Wildlife, Tamilnadu
• Trustee, The Shola Trust
• Director, The Real Elephant Collective
• Adjunct Fellow, Dakshin Foundation
• Resource Person, Tamilnadu Forest Academy
• Working Group Member, The Coexistence Consortium
• Visiting Fellow, Geography Department, Open University, UK