PhD Scholar

R Patturaj
Patturaj is pursuing my Ph. D. in Botany from 2020, under the Guidance of Dr. S. Noorunnisa Begum, Associate Professor, TDU.

I'm pursuing my Ph. D. in Botany 2020 onwards, under the Guidance of Dr. S. Noorunnisa Begum, Associate Professor, TDU, Bangalore. I have more than 6 years of working experience of as Wood and Plant anatomy/ Microtome sectioning/ Plant Physiology/ Botanists/ Plant Raw Drug identifications/ Pharmacognosy/ Powder Microscopic and involved in several Botanical field surveys/ orientation training programs. So, for I have 5 research publications, 2 book chapters and 3 international conference oral presentations. Research Skills – Wood and developmental anatomy, Numerical anatomy, Physiology (PGRS), Microtome and Semi-permanent slides, Powder microscopy, Macerations and Karyotypes.